Borrowed Light

Borrowed Light

I sometimes settle too easily for “borrowed light” positioning myself in the shadow cast by another’s revelation. But living from borrowed light is less than God intended because borrowed light casts a shadow offering partial not personal revelation. This...
Losing It

Losing It

Jesus said if you want to find your life you must first loose it .Losing anything fills us with anxiety we do everything within our power to attain control. Losing ourselves is counter intuitive because everyone is so intent on finding themselves . But only in the...
Making the Move

Making the Move

As humans we love certainty, essentially we are looking for security. But the human heart has a more noble quest, the cry for mystery. Mystery makes me vulnerable to heavens possibilities. It moves my heart from the familiar to the undiscovered. Mystery awakens my...
God’s Very Heart

God’s Very Heart

There is only one place in the New Testament where Jesus tells us directly about His own heart. Matt 11v29. “I am gentle and lowly in heart”. Jesus is simply stating this is who I am, this is my very nature, my truest reality. When the Bible speaks of the heart, New...