Less is More

11 March 2021

There are two ways in life we can make sure we always have enough. One is get more and the other is to desire less. In trying to get more we still find room. When there’s room for more, there’s room for desiring more. The cycle never ends. Interestingly when attempting to desire less the likelihood of living a fulfilling life increases. But how does anyone want less? The only way this possible Is to identify the deepest desire present in every human heart,  the one thing we are truly longing for, to know God. Once we satisfy ourselves with His presence, we require far less of what the world has on offer.

We may not understand the deepest longing within our life to be a desire for God it may simply feel like a sense of dissatisfaction with life. With God less somehow becomes more and empty’s a space for us to receive. 

Psalm 16v11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand