Spiritual Transformation

01 January 2020

Change is often associated it with new beginnings, but I’ve noticed that real transformation often happens, not when something new begins but when something old ends. This kind of disruption invites the soul to listen more attentively. It also forces our hearts to a new place usually because we cant go back to the old as its not there anymore. Whatever we call this “place” it doesn’t feel good or like God. I think that’s why we try to hang onto the old. Jesus is describing this process when He says, “It is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it” Matt 7:14. I have discovered change either helps people, or it causes them to shut down and become bitter. This is decided by the condition of their heart. Change just happens; but spiritual transformation requires a process of letting go, living in confusion for a while, and allowing yourself to end up in an unexpected place. Change is disruptive, disorientating and inevitable but transformation is optional. In every problem we are invited to find God promises.